Impeach MAGA Supreme Court justices trying to destroy our democracy

Trump's Supreme Court majority just chose to trash the Constitution, and ruled that presidents are immune from prosecution for official actions, putting our democracy in jeopardy and setting our country on a path to tyranny. 

But we can do something about it:  We can impeach them.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is launching the effort by filing articles of impeachment against these MAGA justices who handed Trump this massive win – and we need to show strong support to make this happen. 

We can do this. A broad majority of Americans – including many Republicans – feels that the Court went way too far with this ruling.  Now is the time to fight back.

We need to stop this ultra-conservative majority from doing any more harm. Add your name if you agree with AOC that it is time to impeach the MAGA Supreme Court justices trying to destroy our democracy >>

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