The U.S. Is the Only Country in the World That Has Not Signed This Vital Treaty

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. President Joe Biden & Congress
Victory! Children all around the world can now sue nations over climate change, according to human rights law experts!

An independent panel of experts that interprets United Nations human rights law - the Committee on the Rights of the Child - concluded that all countries have a legal obligation to protect children from environmental degradation such as climate change. The panel noted that this means underage citizens have the ability to seek legal recourse against nations that do not take action, such as regulating businesses, to prevent climate catastrophe.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child is considered the most widely ratified treaty in human history because every single country in the world has signed it - except the United States.

Sign now to demand President Biden & Congress ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child!

All children have a right to a habitable, safe, healthy planet. And, importantly, kids should not have to suffer consequences of the actions of generations before them.

Young people literally can't consent to the actions being taken by governments around the world, because they are too young to participate in the political process. Yet they will be saddled with all the future consequences of adults' inaction on climate change. That is exactly why their right to a clean environment must be protected at all costs.

This interpretation of human rights law is an amazing victory for kids across the planet - and it is time the United States finally ratifies the treaty that gives children this right.

There is no excuse for the U.S. to be the only country on earth that hasve not yet ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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