Enough with the Jeopardy Host Drama and Horse Racing Drama!

The Jeopardy host drama and the horse racing drama with Bob Baffert are getting way out of hand. People are focussing on those two things which are none of our business to worry about, but our democracy is our business to worry about!

The Sony Executives can decide on a new host of Jeopardy without our help! They know what they are doing; they don't need our suggestions who the next Jeopardy host will be unless they ask for it!

The National Thoroughbred Racing Association know how to deal with the horse racing drama with Bob Baffert without our help! They'll figure it out by themselves.

Our democracy is what we need to worry about because it is our business to work together as a community! We need to stop the Trump supporting Republicans' schemes for all the Democratic Recall Elections! That is what is the most important not a Jeopardy host or a trainer of racehorses!

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