Tell LBK - We Want to Walk the Whole Beach

We, the under-signed residents of Longboat Key, are writing to address our loss of beach access due to the recent actions taken at 6633 Gulf of Mexico Drive. Through simple and customary use, residents of Longboat Key enjoyed our entire public beach, north to south, by crossing over this property for many decades, without any interruption from prior owners, and/or any other authority. Without notice to the public and interested parties, one property owner has been allowed to aggressively interrupt the access that thousands of residents have  become accustomed to, and enjoyed. The Town of Longboat Key must act immediately to restore access to the full public beach in the name of all of its tax-paying citizens. The Town needs to come forward publicly and inform all of its residents what actions it took to help preserve public beach access at 6633 Gulf of Mexico Drive, and what our joint expectations will be going forward. We are One Island,  One Beach. This impacts all of us.

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