Tell MTG: "No, you moron, Democrats are not controlling the weather"

There's dumb, there's dumber, and then there's Marjorie Taylor Greene, possibly the biggest moron in Congress.

Greene is actually claiming that Democrats are controlling the weather, and setting the course of hurricanes to go through Republican districts:

"Yes they can control the weather," Greene wrote on X last week, after Hurricane Helene swept across the Southeastern U.S., killing at least 227 people. "It's ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can't be done." ... She then posted an image of Helene overlaid on an electoral map, suggesting that the hurricane's path had been intentionally set in motion to target Republican-leaning counties.

It's unbelievable that nonsense like this is actually coming from an elected official, but there seems to be a bumper crop of stupidity in the Republican party these days.  And we need to call it out and shine a spotlight on it, so the few remaining swing voters are aware of it, and repulsed by it.

So add your name, and share this widely:

Tell MTG: "No, you moron, Democrats are not controlling the weather"

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