Pétition contre le Braconnage des Jaguars au Brésil

  • af: Jan B
  • mottagare: WWF

*Jaguars are being poached everywhere in South America... Brazil more precisely*

*1'056 jaguars poached in 2010 ALONE!*

*Save these creatures by signing this petition!*

A short story to get you into the topic:
Twenty years ago Brazil's most notorious jaguar hunter, Teodoro Antonio Melo Neto, also known as "Tonho da onça" or "Jaguar Tony," swore off poaching after logging 600 kills. The foe turned ally of the jaguar then convinced environmental and research institutes, such as the non-governmental organization Instituto Pró-Carnívoros, of his about face and to employ his tracking skills for conservation. Thus began years of assisting these agencies find the animals so that they could monitor their movements and research their habits. His dramatic change of heart even became the subject of a children's book titled Tonho da onça, which related a conservation message. But on July 20, 2010, "Jaguar Tony," now 71 years old, revealed his true spots when federal agents arrested him along with seven others preparing for another in a long series of illegal hunts.

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