Illegal Dog Meat Trade in Thailand - A trade of shame.

  • af: Ilona O'beirne
  • mottagare: Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha

One associates Thailand with beautiful beaches, friendly and kind people, inspired by their Buddhist religion and their monarchs King Bhumibol and his Queen Sirikit which have been loved and cherished by their people for many years.
But Thailand has a dark side which most tourists are not aware of. The Dog Meat Trade! This trade is illegal since 2014, but still each month many dogs, are stolen pets or unwanted dogs bought from villagers are being caught and transported to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and China where their meat is being sold in the local markets. The dogs were transported in chicken type crates to the border and then shipped along the Mekong River into Vietnam. Now the dogs are being slaughtered in Thailand and their meat is being transported to Vietnam. This trade is being carried out in North Thailand, in such cities as Buriram, and Khemmarat. Alone in Tha Tae Province, in Sakan Nakhon there are 17 slaughter facilities with more than 300 employees.
The Dog Meat Trade is a very lucrative business and is being operated as a mafia type enterprise.
Thailand has since 2014 an Animal Protection Law and now a person being caught with slaughtered dogs can be prosecuted. The penalty can be up to 2 years in prison and/or a 40.000,00 Bath fine (approx. 1.145 USD).
Only the implementation of these penalties can stop this Dog Meat Trade for once and for all.
Therefore please sign this petition and ask Premier Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha to use every force available to stop this trade.

Opdater #18 år siden
To all your wonderful people out there who signed my petition. Thank you so much. owever I need more signtures and thefore I ask you to please forward my plea to all your friends and animal lovers you know and give those animals your voice. They deserve it. Thank you so much.
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