Trump: Protect Waterways and Re-instate the Surface Mining's Stream Protection Rule

US President Donald Trump has just signed an executive order that will threaten countless waterways in the US. The Surface Mining's Stream Protection Rule protected waterways from pollutants from surface mining, especially coal mining. Mr. Trump just removed this protection.

Surface coal mining creates effluent that pollutes waterways and endangers the ecosystem health of the waterway as well as threatens the drinking water of any community that lives downstream.

This move will only cost citizens millions of dollars in treatment and will do irreversible damage to precious ecosystems.

Sign today to let Donald Trump know that Water is Life. By signing now you are sending a strong message that long-term, healthy waterways are more important than short-term profits for failing coal mining companies.

To President Donald Trump, 

As someone who cares deeply about clean water I am gravely concerned about your recent executive order overturn the Surface Mining's Stream Protection Rule. 

This rule was integral in protecting surface water from pollutants and is necessary to maintain healthy drinking water and stream ecosystems. Removing the protection gives only small amounts of short-term benefit to coal mining companies. 

Coal-mining is a dying industry and instead of removing protections on waterways, you need to focus on new jobs in other sectors. 

I urge you to re-instate the Surface Mining's Stream Protection Rule immediately and protect our water resources for future generations. 

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