Demand an end to loneliness of the dog in Aquatica Kolkata

The dog ( name unknowm) is spending his days in loneliness with no companion at all to play with or share his happinessor pain. He is locked in a cage 24*7 with no exercise at all.
When he was approached by couple of kids, he started licking their fingers and when those kids had to leave him, he sat facing the way, from where the kids went away.
Not sure for how many years he is been captured and kept there amongst the loud noise in the park.
He needs a loving family who can take care of him as a member and not lock him up forever.
Please sign the petiotion so that he can be rescued and taken care.

To Mamta Banerjee,

Recently I visited Aquatica water park and was enjoying every bit of it. But when I saw a lonely dog, caged inside the park, all the enjoyment vanished.

The dog was lonely and locked inside a cage. Of course, he was provided with food and water but his cage was near by to one of the rides, where the music was very loud.

Aquatica opens at 10:00 AM and closes by 18:00 hours. I was scared to even think about the long hours in which he had to spend his day with loud music around.

Moreover, he is deprived of any physical exercise and locked always inside the cage.

Being a good woman and leader, expect you to take charge of this and help the dog in need to find a loving home where he will not be locked and can rest in peace during the day.

Thank you.

Opdater #19 år siden

We are trying the best to get maximum signatures so we can push Park Officials to revisit the rule under which this dog has been kept caged.

Please share the petition to your family and friends, to gather the number of signatures required.

Thank you,
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