ExxonMobil's Recycling Lies Made the Climate Crisis Worse. California Is Doing Something About It.

It turns out the oil giant ExxonMobil tricked millions of Americans into thinking that plastic recycling was going to solve our pollution crisis. Now, Americans are facing the environmental consequences – and California is doing something about it. The state is suing the company for their decades-long misinformation campaign that has led to environmental damage, and for misleading the public and exacerbating the global crisis of plastic pollution.

Sign this petition to demand that ExxonMobil provide financial reparations to California and the communities most impacted by its deceptive actions.

Despite promoting plastics as recyclable, ExxonMobil knew that the vast majority of these materials would never be processed as such, with only about 5 to 6 percent of plastics actually being recycled in the United States. This has led to a flood of plastic waste polluting our oceans, rivers, and landscapes, harming wildlife and human health.

This petition supports not just punitive measures, but also constructive efforts to repair the damage done and prevent future harm. It is time for ExxonMobil to take financial responsibility for the consequences of its actions.

Sign the petition to stand with California and demand ExxonMobil to contribute to the healing of our planet and support communities in rebuilding their environments.

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