Please sign & share this petition worldwide in order to save the world's rarest species of dolphin.
The Maui's dolphin is a critically endangered subspecies of the Hector's dolphin, also known as the 'Hobbit' dolphin & is the smallest & rarest of all dolphin. Their habitat is found only on the west coast of the North Island, NZ.
It is estimated that only 55 Maui's dolphin exist & numbers appear to be declining. Gill netting & trawling have caused the demise of these dolphins from approximately 1874, in the 1970s to just 55.
Three thousand square kilometers of the marine sanctury of the Maui's dolphin habitat is to be opened up for oil exploration (seismic testing). Despite evidence from the scientific community that seismic testing (involving multiple underwater explosions) is a death sentence to dolphins and other cetations, Conservation minister Nick Smith & Energy Resources minister Simon Bridges continue on their course to wipe out Maui's Dolphin. The NZ government is refusing to protect the small population of these dolpin.
Our tourism industry, which relies on a clean, green image, could be devastated.
Opdater #310 år siden
Dr Barbara Maas, Dr Liz Slooten and Sharon Jack are holding a Candlelight Vigil, tomorrow in London, 30th October, for the handover of our 150,000 signature strong petition to the New Zealand Embassy on behalf of the last 50 Maui's dolphins.
Date: 30th October, Time: 1 pm, Where: New Zealand House, 80 Hay Market, London SW1Y 4TQ.
Please feel free to join their Candlelight Vigil.
Opdater #210 år siden
Seismic exploration by oil companies are blasts on the ocean floor ! The blasts have a terrible impact on dolphins and whales. They suffer from "acoustic impact" created by the loud and frequent sound waves. Their ear bones explode, their organs fill up with painful air bubbles (decompression sickness), they become deaf and can no longer fish. They are in constant terrible pain until ultimately they die. Please sign and share, Thank you !
Opdater #110 år siden
Dear Friends,
Please share this petition with family and friends.
The situation is critical, please help!.
3000 square kilometres of the West Coast North Island Marine Mammal Sanctuary is in tender for petroleum exploration permits!
This Sanctuary was established approx 2007 -2008, & it is Ours, that's right, Yours & Mine.
The Government has offered the seabed, the waters where the only 55 Maui Dolphins exist in the World for tender for Oil Exploration Permits within the Sanctuary!