We have a small piece of green space full of amazing wildlife and our local council has granted permission for a concrete development to go ahead.
    It’s been granted on the basis of false information and also old reports, not current.
    It has been stated that local residents objected as we “didn’t want the character of the area changed, this is nonsense ne has never been our issue.
    Our main reason to stop this concrete development is due to the abundance of wildlife, endangered and protected wildlife on our doorsteps and a planning officer from Bristol has approved the plans and some how it’s got the go ahead.
    We have barn owl,tawny owl, kestrel,newts,slow worm, honey bees,deer,pheasant the list goes on !

    If this isn’t enough to stop it then the fact our schools and health services are at capacity needs to be a factor .
    Thorpe road, a 30mph rod has cars vans lorries roaring along at 50mph daily,in the space of 10 days there was 2 crashes and a cat killed , all during daylight hours .
    Road traffic reports from 2015/16 are not the same as they are now, the local speed watch team visit regularly as it’s an unsafe road and the last thing we need is more vehicles!

    They said there was a demand (in 2015/16) for homes, well since then there are more than 5 developments built and being built within a 3 mile raidius , all of which are yet to sell even a quarter of the properties so there is definitely not a demand for homes in the area .

    A development under 2 miles away “lifehouse development Thorpe” had been rejected and denied , this development on the small space behind Thorpe road needs the support of the locals and the support of our local council Tendring DC to stop this at high court by having it overturned!
    We have under 6 weeks to put forward the official objections ready for high court , we need all the backing we can get for this to happen and hopefully we can save this priceless space full of amazing wildlife!

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