Tell India to stop export of street dogs for meat
Hinder the government of Trivandrum from producing and exporting stray dogs for meat. The government of Trivandrum is about to legalize evil production and export of street dogs for their meat. Please tell them to stop this by writing an email to the Mayor of the government corporation of Trivandrum at telling her that you are shocked about this article in the Indian press and ask them to instead neuter and spay street dogs but certainly not legalise its breeding and export for their meat
Dear mayor of the government of Trivandrum, by signing this petition and writing to you ( I express to you my shock about the article of 24.09.2014 in the New Indian Express about your political decisions regarding street dogs and I ask the government of Trivandrum to instead properly vaccinate, neuter & spay street dogs but certainly not legalise its breeding and export for their meat. Kerala is one of the richest parts of India and I hereby kindly but firmly ask you to use this privilege for improving the welfare of animals, morals and politics in Trivandrum and throughout India.
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