Petition Cheshire county council to plant wildflower meadow on roadside verges
As we all know bees and other pollinators are in rapid decline. This is, in part due to lack of forage for the pollinators to feed on alone with mass use of pesticides in home gardens and on farms. Over time the roadsides have become much more managed and less and less wildflowers are growing naturally. If the county council allow the planting of native wildflower seeds along roadsides it will not only create more forage for bees butterflies and pollinators but also cut down on maintenance required. Wildflower areas need very little tending compared to grass verges and create stunning displays of colour. If bees were to be wiped out some experts believe there would be catastrophic implications for humans. By doing something as simple as giving the verge areas back to nature a little the county council has the power to do their bit to stop this. Let's bring beauty back to Britain
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