End The Killing of Homeless Animals in the Shelters

  • af: Ambar Soriano
  • mottagare: The Presidet, The Governmet, The Mayor
This is important because every single day more then thousands of animals are being killed because nobody would adopt them. These dogs and cats are loving animals it jut takes the right person to see it. The do make great companions. Breeding animals, dog fights, and selling them is a big problem. People need to spay/neuter their animals and take care of them. We are the irresponsible ones not them.
A dog and cat feel the hopeless and they feel pain and is not fair. They are being killed without ever seeing a home or without ever receiving love. I think they should stop putting them down for not finding a home. I believe that if we all took the time to find them great homes; then we won't need a pound. Let's all sign and give these animals a new life and hope on finding a good forever loving home.
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