POB Students Please Support the Plainview Hawks Hockey Team

The Plainview Hawks Hockey Team is an ice hockey team in the Plainview Old Bethpage District. There is a team in both the middle and high schools for many years. However, due to it not being classified as a sport by the school , the POB district does not provide funding despite its students being members in the team This limits the players from receiving the same funding and acknowledgement the teams recognized by the district receive. The season runs from
Fall until Soring which limits the students from participating in other sports as well. Ice hockey is The sport is recognized by Nassau County Athletic and NYSPHSAA
We are asking for POB students to sign the petition in order for POB-JFK HS to consider and include ice hockey for the 2025-2026 school year. Thank you for your support!

**student signatures only!!*** please include your first and last name in the "first name " box due to way it downloads.   

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