Save the last, wild and free Sumatran rhinos left on the planet!

  • af: Naomi Dreyer
  • mottagare: Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo

Conservationists are calling for the Indonesian government to do all it can to ensure the survival of the Sumatran rhino breeding program there.
The tiger in India was saved from extinction due to the direct intervention of Mrs. Gandhi, the then prime minister, who set up Project Tiger. The coordinator of the WWF Asian and Rhino and Elephant Action Strategy, said in a statement: ‘’A similar high level intervention by president Joko Widodo of Indonesia could help pull the Sumatran rhinos back from the brink.’’
Please sign and share our petition demanding that Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo does whatever it takes to save the last, wild and free Sumatran rhinos left on the planet.

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