NYC’s homeless animals are being executed daily basis for time, space in NYC. The Department of Health (which controls the Animal Care & Control) chooses to ignore this problem. While the AC&C is conducting its scheme of systematic slaughter, it’s deluding the public - YOU - into thinking that it provides care and shelter to NYC’s abandoned and discarded animals and it does not!! The AC&C wants you to believe that in its care your abandoned pets find new lives, but what they find is abuse, neglect, injuries, despair and the ‘care’ depicted in the picture above. Every single year, the AC&C executes thousands of dogs and cats, not because they’re unadoptable, but because of a shortage of space, for an epidemic easily cured with medications. They consider NYC homeless animals PESTS!
Mayor Bill de Blasio promised to remove the DOHMH from control of the AC&C but it was given back to them. This needs to be revoked so comptroller Stringer’s plans for reform can go into effect. Perfect dogs are being dumped and killed in this shelter.
Too often dogs are released to the public not neutered or spayed. Requiring people to leave a $150 deposit on the condition that they return to have their pet neutered is not a deterrent to dog fighters that never return. There’s a greater profit to be made from dog fighting. Many don’t return simply due to laziness. A key point is that any new shelters built will inevitably overflow twice as fast without the spay/neuter enforcement and follow up. It should also be understood that the terms “euthanasia” and “shelter” are being violated by law. Dogs are killed as soon as 2-5 days after intake before the medicine starts to take effect. Many dogs are killed for being scared during an unfair evaluation that contradicts the behavioral notes of the volunteers who brought out the best in the dogs. The pathetic plight of homeless cats falls into a realm of abject neglect, incarceration that results in cage aggression akin to human “cabin fever,” and isolation and the kind of fear that brings out the worst in animal behavior through terror and confusion. The Trap, Neuter, Release (known as TNR) program for cats seems not to be honored.
NYS and NYC government are well aware of the scheme of slaughter being conducted at the AC&C do nothing about it. Your voices, loudly sounded upon NYS and NYC government could save many lives and hold a Mayor to his promise.
In April 2015, Dogs killed: 82, Cats killed: 43. •
Please speak up for NYC’s most vulnerable citizens &
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