Do Your Part To Protect Grizzly Bears In America's National Parks!

Yellowstone grizzlies can no longer be hunted!

Add your name if you want all US national parks where grizzlies live to protect their precious bears too!

"In a stunning victory for wildlife conservationists and indigenous tribes – and for bears – a US court ruled on Wednesday that grizzly bears living in the vast Yellowstone ecosystem will remain federally protected and not be subjected to sport hunting.

"We applaud the decision of the 9th circuit court – a triumph of science over politics – in ensuring that Yellowstone grizzly bears are allowed to truly recover and thrive," said Sarah McMillan, conservation director for WildEarth Guardians," reported The Guardian.

We're asking the US National Park Service to do the right thing and institute protections for grizzly bears in all national parks where they live.

Don't you want to protect these majestic creatures from heartless trophy hunters?

Then add your name to demand the Park Service take action ASAP!

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