Tell the Army to Deny Marina Project in Saugatuck Dunes

Please join the Saugatuck Dunes Coastal Alliance and its partners -- Michigan Environmental Council, WMEAC, Michigan League of Conservation Voters, and Michigan Historical Preservation Network -- and sign our petition asking the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) to deny a permit to excavate a marina channel 1,639 feet long, 200 feet wide, and 14 feet deep at the mouth of the Kalamazoo River on the historic buried ghost town of Singapore.

Please also write your comments/reasons for the denial. Make sure to include your name and address. If you would like to see the request for permit, it is available here.

We, the undersigned, request that the permit associated with Corps File No. LRE-2010-00304-52-SI7-2 be denied because the proposed marina/channel would require an excavated area 1,639 feet long, 200 feet wide, and 14 feet deep that will negatively impact any or all of the public interest factors listed below:
    🍂 Conservation                  🍂 General environmental concerns
    🍂 Economics                      🍂 Fish and wildlife values
    🍂 Aesthetics                       🍂 Historic properties
    🍂 Wetlands                         🍂 Shoreline erosion and accretion
    🍂 Flood hazards                🍂 Water supply and conservation
    🍂 Floodplain values           🍂 Land use
    🍂 Navigation                      🍂 Recreation
    🍂 Water quality                  🍂 Energy needs
    🍂 Safety                              🍂 Food and fiber production
    🍂 Mineral needs                🍂 Considerations of property ownership
                  🍂 The needs and welfare of the people 🍂
The reasonably foreseeable detriments far outweigh any perceived benefits of the proposed marina channel and ‘beach nourishment.’ We request the permit be denied. (photo credit: Erin Wilkinson)
Opdater #17 år siden
The SDCA thanks you for your support in helping to protect the Saugatuck Dunes from inappropriate development! Over 900 of you signed the petition to ACE and nearly 700 of you added comments!

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has announced a public hearing on the proposed marina plan so we have set up a second petition for the DEQ.

Please sign at and send comments to the DEQ to tell them they MUST deny the marina project.
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