Climate change is real. We don't have time to wait. It is an unequivocal scientific fact that climate change is threatening future generations of human life on earth. We, Americans, from across the political spectrum and from all walks of life demand leadership on climate change now. Let's be the world leaders on climate. Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal. We the people can see oceans and temperatures rising, warming oceans temperatures and shrinking ice sheets, ocean acidification, animal extinction, and extreme weather events. From rancher in Nevada to fisherman in Maine to wall street on the tiny island of Manhattan climate change effects us all. This is not a democrat or republican political football, but rather one of the most pressing issues of our time, and it requires serious and meaningful leadership. We demand that our elected officials meaningfully work together mitigate the effects of climate change and in doing so we can create jobs, be innovators, and make our world inhabitable and more equal for our descendants. I want a planet for my children to inhabit that is better than the one I received from my parents. Please rise above lobbyists who only want a profit, and stand up, engage with our brilliant scientists, and work with our innovators and inventors to mitigate the effects of climate change. Climate change cause by humans, President Trump, is an unequivocal FACT.
We Demand:
1. Unequivocally state that climate change is real and mitigating its effects will be a key component of your administration;
2. Direct federal agencies to integrate the issue of climate change into every decision they make;
3. Be a leader in global efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change;
4. Appoint an official to educate elected officials, and the public about climate change;
5. Get meaningful community input before engaging in projects that will affect a communities environment;
6. Understand that it is often the poor, people of color, or indigenous communities that are asked to bear the immediate and greatest effects of pollution.
Climate change is real. We don't have time to wait. It is an unequivocal scientific fact that climate change is threatening future generations of human life on earth. We, Americans, from across the political spectrum and from all walks of life demand leadership on climate change now. Let's be the world leaders on climate. Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal. We the people can see oceans and temperatures rising, warming oceans temperatures and shrinking ice sheets, ocean acidification, animal extinction, and extreme weather events. From rancher in Nevada to fisherman in Maine to wall street on the tiny island of Manhattan climate change effects us all. This is not a democrat or republican political football, but rather one of the most pressing issues of our time, and it requires serious and meaningful leadership. We demand that our elected officials meaningfully work together mitigate the effects of climate change and in doing so we can create jobs, be innovators, and make our world inhabitable and more equal for our descendants. I want a planet for my children to inhabit that is better than the one I received from my parents. Please rise above lobbyists who only want a profit, and stand up, engage with our brilliant scientists, and work with our innovators and inventors to mitigate the effects of climate change. Climate change cause by humans, President Trump, is an unequivocal FACT.
We Demand:
1. Make it a policy of the federal government that climate change is real, and mitigating its effects will be a key component of the Trump administration;
2. Direct federal agencies to integrate the issue of climate change into every decision they make;
3. Be a leader in global efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change;
4. Appoint an official to educate elected officials, and the public about climate change;
5. Get meaningful community input before engaging in projects that will affect a communities environment;
6. Understand that it is often the poor, people of color, or indigenous communities that are asked to bear the immediate and greatest effects of pollution.
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