Across Pakistan there is no legislation Protecting Captive Animals

  • af: A Sleem
  • mottagare: Prime Minister Shebaz Sharif , Minister of Climate Change Sherry Rahmen

Pakistan is a member of the World Organisation on Animal Health sadly in Pakistan The Prevention Cruelty act is vague when it comes to mentioning zoos there are no laws administered to protect captive animals.

Across Pakistan there are 10 public zoos, 25 private zoos and 28 wildlife parks that are running with no code of conduct or set standards for zoo facilities no one knows how day to day management of animals being cared for .

Journalists & social media have been reporting for decades on the negligence and cruel conditions by zoo administrators ( across the board ) and that animal deaths have become routine a thing!

· Exhibits are unnatural with no enrichment never updated to a natural environment ( archaic enclosures outdated )

· Captive breeding without proper resources

· Zoos are lacking proper facilities to house animals (safety issues for animals & visitors)

· Shortage of wild life experts or medical facilities

· Isolation animals look lethargic with untreated injuries weaving back and forth a term called "zoochosis" a mental illness

· Premature deaths of animals due to cruelty or no resources available

· Climate Change issues are affecting the animals

Thousands of unnecessary deaths and cruelty issues are ongoing and legislation is needed for the management of zoos with thin Pakistan. Zoo administrators are not being held accountable on a legal aspect.

Currently the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan is tackling effects on climate change and bringing positive changes to Pakistan.

It's essential that the government to formulate a national policy " legal framework on animal protection for captive animals ". Implementation of policies and laws for sustainable management and conservation.

By developing legislation and standards zoos can then be held accountable on the care and living conditions of animals.

This can open the door to so many positive programs

· Zoos collaborating with international organizations to help better the environment
· Conservation programs
· Also offering a curriculum to students wanting a career path in zoology

Please Sign this Petition Proper attention is needed to the management of zoos, these are sensitive endangered animals and their basic needs are not being met.

#CaptivityKills #AnimalWelfareWorldWide #Pakistan #AnimalRights #NayaPakistan #Zoo

Opdater #35 år siden
#Pakistan Zoo’s without regulations !

A zookeeper was attacked by a lion through the bars of its enclosure during feeding time at a zoo in Pakistan as onlookers screamed in horror.

@ the Karachi Zoological Gardens
Opdater #26 år siden
The Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI) has conditionally decided to release Kavaan, the lone elephant at Marghazar Zoo, if an international charity organisation ( Free The Wild ) provides help for up gradation of the zoo talks between the MCI, Marghazar Zoo and the international charity organisation had been going on for months.
Opdater #16 år siden

Laws are needed for zoos in Pakistan for animals held captive ! always about the money and not animal welfare !

animals were negligently allowed to breed ! Now the animals pay the ultimate price of their freedom to be auctioned off !!!!

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