Ask Keith Urban NOT to play at cruel Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo

The Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo is known as one of the most cruel rodeos in the world. Animals have been injured year after year, many animals are killed including horses,steers and calves.

Keith Urban will perform at this Rodeo July 25/2015 - Link

Proof of the cruelty of this rodeo, all these deaths and injuries in the videos listed below took place at the CFD rodeo where Keith Urban will play.

Horse killed -
Horse killed -
Horse Injured -
Bull Injured -
Steer killed -
Steer injured -
Calf killed -

By performing at this rodeo Keith urban is saying this cruelty to animals is ok. The same people buying tickets to watch animals hurt in rodeo are also going to watch him play as well.

Artists like Carrie Underwood cancelled her concert at this rodeo because it was so cruel to animals. Info:

If Keith Urban has a heart he will do the same.

Contact Keith Urban and let him know to say no to cruel rodeo.




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