Save Whale Sharks!

  • af: Lynn Hamilton
  • mottagare: National People's Congress of China and Qābūs ibn Saʻīd as-Saʻīd, Sultan of Oman

Visitors to Washington state are frequently dazzled by the amazing whale shark, a plankton-eating, spotted marine animal dear the to the hearts of those who live in the northwestern United States.

But that love hasn't saved the whale shark's numbers from plummeting swiftly. In fact, whale sharks are in imminent danger of extinction, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature which recently put the whale shark in the endangered category. India, the Philippines, and Taiwan have taken action to protect their whale sharks from overfishing.  But these gentle giants continue to be fished in China and Oman.

Please join me in asking the National People's Congress of China to outlaw fishing whale sharks.

To the National People's Congress of China:

The noble whale shark has been roaming the seas for longer than many civilizations, but its numbers are declining rapidly. And it appears that overfishing is a large part of the problem. Many countries have taken action to protect the whale shark. India, the Philippines, and Taiwan are among the nations that have recognized the importance of conserving this amazing mammal. Please do your part. Outlaw overfishing of whale sharks.

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