Foopets Should Be Free Again!

I had been a long time user of foopets, and pretty soon they decided to make it a membership only site. I was okay when they changed the sign-up part, to where you had to care for animals for an extended amount of time before getting your first, but when they made it so continueing members couldn't play with their pets, i was ticked. 

Foopets also used to be a place where kids were allergic to pets, too small to get one, or live in a small area, such as an apartment or dorm, would be able to experience owning a pet. Now they can't because more than likely they can't afford it or their parents think its a waste of money.

Apparently over this issue, foopets lost a lot of players, but also gained some more memberships. I feel that if Foopets knew how many people out there miss Foopets and can't afford to be a member due to financial issues or whatever our problem is, Foopets might make the site free again, or at least realize the issue,

So if you or your kid misses foopets, sign away, so foopets realizes how many supporters it lost.

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