They are stealing pets, right of backyards!

Where I live, our pets are like a member of our family. But that is not the case in Yulin, Guangxi, China. Men are stealing dogs out of people backyards for the most inhumane reason. The owners put up missing signs, not knowing they would never see their pet again. They don't know that they could even end up eating their dog in the near future.

But these men DO NOT CARE! They skin, beat, boil, blowtorch, cut, and sometimes even eat these innocent, beautiful, loving, and non-judging animals alive. They are cruel, and need to be taken accountable for their actions. And truth is, THIS IS ILLEGAL! An article states,"In 2016 which condemned the annual festival in Yulin and called on the Chinese government to prohibit the dog meat trade." As many as 15,000 dogs are tortured, killed and cooked to be sold at Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival every year. And if we don't shut it down, 15,000 more could be killed between June 21 and June 30 of 2020.

Get justice for these innocent animals! Put a stop to the Yulin dog meat festival!

Opdater #15 år siden
We need your help!!! And we can only do that by making people more aware of the horrible things that are happening in China right this minute!! HELP STOP DOG MEAT AND GRUESOME TORTURE!!!
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