Calling for UPS Employees to Cease Animal Cruelty Now
We the people, voters, citizens and UPS customers come now before you demanding that you immediately terminate any UPS employee involved in the act of Aggravated Animal Cruelty. This act is now a Felony conviction in the US. Below you will find two recent cases involving your employees and a brief explanation of their actions leading up to the killing or maiming of your customer’s family pets.
On April 12, 2014 a US Army Captain who had returned home from Afghanistan, a hero to our country lost a very loving companion pet. A dog named Toby. Toby was rescued in a war zone in Afghanistan and was protected and taken very well care of by the military unit of Captain Rachel Ries. Upon returning to the states a nationwide campaign came together to allow Toby to come home to the US with Captain Ries. When asked why the dog was so important…Captain Rie’s answer was quite simple…. “He is a bright spot and joy in a place far from anything familiar.” The Army Captain is now TX National Guard Reserve (Active Duty). The necropsy showed that Toby had been shot in a relaxed position looking away from the shooter. The shooter, a UPS employee named Michael Coulter who lives in La Vernia Texas shot the dog where Toby dies in his own yard. So a rescued pup from a dangerous war zone in Afghanistan loses his life at the hands of UPS employee in his own yard in Texas!
On June 13, 2014 the Crowell family living in Austin Texas were away from their home when they received a call from a neighbor stating that their dogs had been cut up by the delivering UPS Driver. This driver’s name is currently undisclosed and once his identity is known you can be assured that he will be named and exposed as an active UPS Employee. This attack resulted in one dog, Sampson being slashed and needing over 50 stitches and the other dog, Seamus suffering from deep cuts to his eye and cheek. This is uncalled for and against animal cruelty laws! Charges are currently pending in this case. This driver needs to be terminated immediately from his position as he is a risk to family pets.
In reference to this pending case of animal cruelty in Austin TX, UPS released the following statement:
"We apologize for the outcome of the encounter between our driver and our customer's dog. We do not condone the carrying of knives or any other defensive device. This situation is currently being investigated. We will speak with our driver and the customer and take appropriate action once all the facts are known."
Your services require your employees to enter private property for the purpose of delivering packages. In doing so your employees will always be subjected to encounters with our pets. We ask that you implement an animal handling course within your employee training effective immediately. If your employees feel threatened then they should retreat back to their trucks, package noted as undeliverable. There is no need for an employee to cause injury or death to an animal. You have policies in place to keep the employees from carrying knives or other dangerous devices and obviously these policies are not being enforced. Our pets are in danger and animal abuse is unacceptable. You must terminate the employment of any UPS worker who has acted against the laws regarding animal cruelty and UPS Policy in any form and do so immediately.
Your failure to terminate an employee who has made a wrongful decision to cause harm or death to an animal will result in the signed petitioners to boycott your services as UPS. Media will be notified of this boycott and not only will your services be boycotted, but any business that uses your service for delivery will be boycotted as well. Businesses that are pet friendly such as PetsMart, PetCo, 1800PetMeds, Costco, Amazon, etc. will be boycotted if they utilize your company UPS for delivery of their products.
We hope that you take our requests into consideration, to do what is right in order to protect our family pets. Your company and its services are currently under scrutiny of thousands of people on social media, animal advocates across the country and many organizations. Your employees have brought this serious problem to our attention and we are not going away. It is time for change….and the time is now! UPS…stop the killing of our pets!
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