Ban bullfighting groups from Facebook
Facebook is a great tool to promote ethical movements and organize demonstrations against cruelty of injustice. There are already several groups dedicated to bring attention to the cruelty involved in bullfighting and promoting laws that forbid forms of entertainment that are hurtful to animals. However, bullfighting fans are also using their Facebook groups to promote and organize bulling campaigns against animal right activists. Facebook already has a policy against animal cruelty but somehow this groups that promote bullfights and invite people to protest against animal protection laws that are being discussed in several countries, are still allowed. That's why we need your support: To ask Facebook to be congruent with their own policies and ban pro-bullfighting groups.-----Facebook es una gran herramienta para promover acciones contra la crueldad y la injusticia y es usado por múltiples asociaciones antitaurinas para difundir información sobre la crueldad de las corridas de toros. Sin embargo, aficionados a la tauromaquia están usando grupos para promover acciones en contra de las manifestaciones convocadas por activistas y para ridiculizar sus esfuerzos. Facebook ya prohibe material que implique crueldad animal (como peleas de perros o de gallos), sin embargo estos grupos siguen existiendo e invitando a la gente a luchar en contra de las leyes de protección animal que se estan promoviendo en diversos países. Es por eso que necesitamos tu apoyo: para pedir a Facebook que sea congruente con sus políticas y prohiba los grupos que promueven la tauromaquia.
Bullfighting is a cruel practice where a drugged, starved bull is tortured to death for entertainment and has already been banned in most countries for those reasons. Even in Spain, less than 20% of the population agrees with the continuation of this bloody practice. Facebook has demonstrated how powerful it can be to help activism all around the world and it's interest in keeping illegal and cruel activities outside the site. We the undersigned ask your help in the fight against bullfighting by enforcing your animal cruelty policies and banning groups promoting bullfighting.
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