The public hate speech of white supremists are inciting and endorsing of actions of hate that have already been clearly deemed as and are decidedly unacceptable and in fact unlawful in our country.
Hate speech of white supremist implies that no other race of people should be considered or respected except the white race.
That concept alone is contrary and offensive at best to our Constitution as slavery was.
Anyone can believe what they want and we can disagree on a multitude of things but the implication that any one group of Americans are somehow more or less deserving of the provisions of humanity and equality promised in our Constitution to every American simply because of their gender, race, creed, color, nationality or lifestyle preference is a dialogue and discussion completely unfitting among our nations People.
The freedom to publicly recruit members of these hate ideals and the hideous presence of KKK in parades where The People gather to celebrate and share in goodwill is also unfitting.
I do not know what to do about the clear and present influence of these hate values in our government but I believe The People of this country are ready to be rid of this thorn of division and hatred in our nations side that has contaminated the spirit off freedom and humanity among us for way too long.
I hope you will consider joining me in moving our country in a direction where people don't have to remind each other that their lives matter, where that essential and basic fact is completely understood as it should be.
Thank you,
Nellie Bracho

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