Save our Manistee Michigan Deer
- af: Kim Gyurscik
- mottagare: Manistee City Council and PoliceDepartment
I have recently discovered that our town approved the killing of 50 deer beginning January fifth through Feburary fifth of 2015. This is sickining considering we already had and ARE currently in our hunting season. And where exactly do they plan on killing these innocent deer you ask? At our local golf course! ( I won't be golfing there anymore needles to say) They plan on killing the same deer that are "supposedly" protected in our town! And for what? Because they ate your precious roses? A easier fix rather than death would be to fence or wire your flowers and gardens!! They ate my pumpkin patch and I laughed, not a bone in me wanted to murder them. The number of deer actually hit by cars in town is extremely low. Meaning the main reason for their deaths is because they are a " nuisance ". I have lived here for nearly two years now and have not personaly seen any deer hit on the side of the road in town. I see these deer with their families almost every day! They have a path through my yard and my family and friends enjoy seeing them as well. WE took over their homes not the other way around. So why should they be punished? My biggest fear is diminishing our population of deer and creating a new problem ..with wolves and coyotes! Reduce one species and another will overpopulate. I am sure they would do more harm than these innocent deer. I am not against hunting when it is done correctly, but this is just inhumane and unnecessary. I do not pay taxes to allow our local police to go hunting! PLEASE HELP stop this from occurring. Time is short so please join me to fight for the lives of 50 innocent and beautiful living and breathing beings. Thank you so much.
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