Currently our Xcel Energy (PSCo) union contract does not include any paid maternity leave benefits, though our non-bargaining counterparts are offered up to four months paid leave.
During the very first year of a newborn's life there is so much that can happen let alone the beginning 3-4 months. From hourly feedings, colic, diaper changes, teething stages, sleep regressions, the mornings or nights where baby just simply doesn't want to cooperate, to the possibility of severe medical complications for baby or mom, all of which cost time and money. After giving birth there are so many components that go into the recovery; the healing of the body for the mother (vaginal or caesarean) not including any possible complications, newborn screening tests and appointments, learning to breastfeed and milk production, the possibility of surgery for any actual complications, and finally the "Baby Blues" or Postpartum Depression. As a new mother we have to learn to become an infant parent in just 12 short weeks or less. For full time working mothers, we have little to no time to master even one of the tasks before our employers are saying "Welcome Back" and our babies are being ripped from our arms.
Having a newborn baby is already enough stress without adding in a huge drop in dependable pay, especially right when very large medical bills begin to roll in on top of monthly expenses and lastly, the consistency of union dues being billed to us during our 12 weeks of leave too. Expenses add up incredibly fast from every day essentials, seasonal clothing, diapers, wipes, and formula (for those that choose not to breastfeed or have complications and cannot), to that first year worth of medical bills for both mom and baby. It is simple, no amount of savings can prepare new parents or a single parent for all of the unknowns and "what if's" that comes with a newborn baby.
Currently the non-bargaining benefits are as listed:
Short Term Disability (STD) covers 100 percent of base pay for 13 benefit weeks if you are away from work due to an approved non-work-related medical disability (i.e., illness, injury or pregnancy) for more than the waiting period, defined as seven consecutive days. STD covers 70 percent of base pay for weeks 14 – 26. This benefit is company-provided and administered by The Hartford. (Source: released an article about 40% of employers in the US are now offering paid maternity leave, and claim "good benefits are key to employee retention". This article lists companies such as Procter & Gamble, General Mills, Starbucks, Noodles and Company, and more. Many of which are also offering flexible return schedules, especially for those with post-partum depression. (Source:
We are proposing our contract reflect comparable benefits for the working union women of Xcel Energy, to those who are non-union. We hope we can gain the support of our union and non-union brothers and sisters, in our pursuit of a more beneficial contract agreement.
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