Demand Facebook to stop showing videos of animals being abused.
I have seen some terrible Acts played out against our innocent and helpless animals and it must stop. When I first notice the videos showing up and requesting signatures for the petition it was occasionally. Now every time I go on Facebook I spend an hour signing petitions because I love all animals and I would do anything to help. I do not believe I am helping anymore but instead I am hurting the very animals I am trying to save.
These sadistic people shooting these videos are doing it because, they are getting there 2 Minutes of Fame on Facebook. Of course they get an obscene amount of comments because, our hearts are breaking and we don't know what else to do, except to tell them how wrong they are. Not only has the amount of videos increased, but the horrifics abuse has also increased. These people do not have human feelings, their thought process is to see how many comments they can get so the abuse has to top the last one. Since I have began signing these petitions I have had several night where I have had nightmares. Tonight I didn't have nightmares because I couldn't go to sleep. I laid in bed for 4 hours and got back up. I watched and heard the worst abuse video today. A man tortured a dog in this video so bad and seeing and hearing that dog cry out for help and nobody would help. There was of course the camera guy and several other people standing around this horrific scene laughing.
I know that there has always been animal abuse and anybody that sees somebody abusing an animal should turn them in to the authorities. I also know that Facebook allowing these horrific videos is increasing the amount of animal abuse. Facebook cannot just say it's your choice what you look at because I know. Facebook started this and now Facebook needs to take responsibility for it. Facebook needs to tell these people that they are not actors and Camera people and if they want to be that they can go to Hollywood but, we are not going to sacrifice our animals any longer. Please sign my petition so that the human race that doesn't want to see these videos anymore also knows that it's not being shown anymore and are animals are no longer being used for entertainment. Maybe then we will be able to go on Facebook and connect with our friends and have enjoyment which is what Facebook is for.
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