He Beat His Dog on Camera, Then Yelled Threats and Insults

Authorities in Visalia, California were recently called after concerned individuals recorded video of a man beating his dog.

In the video, officials could clearly see the man using a "wooden weapon" to beat the dog - and he did so ferociously enough that the dog was left with minor injuries.

Sign the petition to demand a ban on animal ownership for this man!

Authorities attempted to make contact with the man, but he refused to exit his home and instead, apparently "barricaded himself inside." While inside the home, authorities allege that he yelled threats towards them, before later opening the door and attempting to assault them.

They have since taken the man into custody and charged him with animal cruelty. The dog has been receiving veterinary care to ensure it makes a full recovery.

We don't know what was going on in this man's life, but we do know that he cannot be trusted with or near animals again.

Sign the petition to demand that officials ban this man from ever owning, living with, or working with animals in the future!
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