Stop fracking in Califorina! We are 7billion strong togeather create a change for sustainable living

Fracking in California

LATEST NEWS: SB 1132 Fails in the Senate

On Thursday, May 29, 2014 the California Senate failed to pass SB 1132 (Mitchell/Leno) which would have put a temporary moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, acidizing and other forms of oil and gas well stimulation methods. The measure lost by a narrow margin, despite recent polling that 68% of Californians support a time out on fracking. Additionally, the federal government has recently downgraded the estimated amount of recoverable oil in the Monterey Shale by 96%, dispelling the myth that fracking will lead to an oil boom in California.

The people with the most to lose after the failure of SB 1132 are the communities of Kern County, where an estimated 80% of fracking and other oil drilling occurs in California. At least 22 different communities lie within 5 miles of oil and gas drilling in Kern County, including many directly adjacent to and surrounded by drilling operations, exposing thousands of residents to health threatening air pollution that has been linked to low birth weights, respiratory illness and cancer.

Although  the Legislature failed to pass a moratorium, Governor Brown still has the authority to implement and immediate moratorium, an act that would be in line with the Democratic Party platform and the wishes of more than two thirds of Californians. 

Click the "Stop Fracking" button to take action today and send a message to Governor Brown to support a moratorium! 
Stop Fracking with California!

Clean Water Action is working to protect California from the dangers of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), acidizing and other risky oil drilling. Across the country, communities are suffering from health and environmental impacts related to oil and gas production, including: contaminated drinking water and polluted air, degradation of local waterways, and decreased property values. In most states, fracking operations are designed to extract natural gas reserves. In California, it’s all about oil.



What’s wrong with Fracking? 

The answer is “almost everything”.  In this section you will find information about the many ways that fracking is bad for our environment, bad for our health and bad for our communities.

Problems include:   Air Pollution; Threat to the Catskill Park; Threat to the Delaware River Basin;
Increased incidence of Earthquakes; Threat to our Economy; Danger of toxic chemicals being spread by Flooding; Danger to our Food Supply; Severe Health ImpactsMortgage Problems; Threat to the Social Welfare of our communities; Toxic Wastewater and Water Contamination.

Research how fracking negatively affectes our planet & people like you.

Using new technologies, such as fracking, acidizing and other well stimulation techniques, oil companies such as Venoco, Occidental, and PXP aim to make California the biggest on-shore oil producing state in the nation. We need to ensure that these oil and gas recovery techniques do not pollute our water, degrade our air, or damage our communities. Clean Water Action is working to enact a moratorium on fracking in California until the state determines whether fracking and acidizing can be done without harming our communities and the environment.


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