Demand that McDonald's Brings back the Steak, Egg & Cheese Bagel, Now!

    I have been waiting too long to have my favorite breakfast meal, the Steak, Egg & Cheese Bagel at McDonald's. I demand that it be added back to the menu and available, effective immediately!

    The food shortage that has affected the U.S. has been difficult to deal with and is understandable considering the horrid Covid19 Virus. I'm aware of the shortage on meat and this may be contributing to this issue and/or the removal of the Streak, Egg & Cheese Bagel from the McDonald's Menu. Furthermore, this is causing a immense inconvenience and should be re-added to the Menu immediately.

    I have suffered anxiety and hunger pains as a result of this item being removed from the McDonald's Menu and some could argue that this is an indirect violation of my Human Rights and my Right of Personal Exspression!

    I know that I'm not alone in this endeavor and I request that all the people who are outraged by this please sign the petition.

    Please Stand Up and Stand Together in Our Demand to Bring back our Breakfast! We Deserve to be able to eat our favorite meal while saying, I'm Lovin It!
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