Stop Pitbull Ignorance and Discrimination
We recently took our Pitbull mix to Petsmart, only to discover that it has a discriminatory policy against so-called ‘bully breeds’, which include Pitbulls, Staffordshire Terriers, American Bull Dogs, and many more. They’re not allowed to attend their doggy day care services and are charged extra for grooming as they are seen to be a threat to ‘the safety of workers and other animals’. This policy also applies to any animals that ‘resemble the appearance or characteristics’ of these breeds. This stereotype against certain dog breeds, most commonly pit bulls, being violent and dangerous has caused them to be unwelcome into many locations and also into many homes. Assumptions that certain dog breeds have a universal behavior and personality, especially a violent one, are why these types dogs also have high rates of euthanasia (assisted suicide) in pet shelters across America. Our dogs deserve to be treated equally, no matter the breed. Dogs are not born dangerous, and when raised with love and affection any dog breed can grow into healthy, happy adults. Help stop discrimination against these beautiful dogs by not supporting Petsmart’s grooming and dog playdate services. Additonally, we encourage all to spread information about these breeds and promote love, not hate, towards these beautiful animals that need our help.
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