Do not let thousands die because of racist Montreal mayor

Dogs are loyal friends for many but for others they are part of the family putting a ban on specific dog breeds is Racist and wrong this is ridiculous sending thousands of innocent animals for the mistake of irresponsible parents not watching their kids and neglectful owners. By instoring the ban you will be tearing many famillies apart killing innocent animals that have never had any mishaps
dogs just like us some are bad due to bad training and it happens but most are good do not let Dennis Codere mass kill thousands of dogs and create a genocide tearing families apart. Imagine if your kid gets bullied should we eradicate all of the bullies fitting this particular group no we meet the parents and we discipline the guilty why should this be different this is unacceptable and I believe we should not judge people or dogs for their race looks r breed help us save lives and keep families happy together and in stead make sure that responsible parenting around animals and only punish animals having done bad. and as specially the owner of the animal not kill all possible threats based on racial profiling if we let this through in Montreal being a multicultural city I will truly be ashamed t hat we cannot understand how wrong this is.
How would you like your child be taken from you because he was in the class of previously mentioned bully it is the same thing wrong unfair and a lazy solution brought by or own Adolph Hitler( Dennis Codere) do not embrace the racist views of a man with no heart that takes the easy way out killing the innocent to find an easy solution following two incidents embrace our multi cultural city and fight the Mayor of Montreal who knows what will be next if he passes this law If he hates animals and docent understand that they are living feeling caring being just wanting to be loved and live I dont know if I can live in a city run by a mass murderer.

Published on Nov 21, 2013

I do not own the rights to the music or video. This is to spread the awareness that pitbulls are not mean, it's the owner, not the breed... Pitbulls are loving, devoted, protective dogs that deserve every chance. Please stop the hatred. They deserve our love & loyalty...

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  • a   BIg  thank you to Jennifer smith  for  letting me  use  her  video to show  the real colorss of these loving  pets and family members 

The Montreal SPCA vows to challenge
Mayor Coderre’s proposal to implement City-Wide breed ban

pitbullMNFollowing Mayor Denis Coderre’s announcement that the city plans to include breed specific legislation (BSL) as part of its solution to address the issue of dangerous dogs, the Montreal SPCA vows to dispute any form of legislation that targets specific dogs due to their physical characteristics and is exploring all options in order to respond to the proposed legislation.

The Montreal SPCA opposes BSL because it is ineffective in making communities safer, because it removes responsibility for dog biting incidents from dog owners, and because it supports the false premise that dogs that happen to look a certain way are inherently “dangerous”. “The consequences for our community if the proposed BSL goes forward would be enormous.   It would mean the death of thousands of adoptable and well-behaved dogs simply because of the way that they look” said Nicholas Gilman, Executive Director of the Montreal SPCA. “We are not going to let that happen here.”

Breed specific legislation is discriminatory, vague and nearly impossible to enforce.  BSL has been so ineffective and damaging in cities throughout the United States that 20 states have adopted state legislation prohibiting municipalities from adopting any form of breed ban. “While we are utterly shocked and disappointed by the announcement this morning made by Mayor Coderre, we will be exploring all options to reverse the decision to move forward with BSL, including legal challenges” said Me Alanna Devine, Director of Advocacy at the Montreal SPCA. “We know that the Montreal community understands that using hysteria, fear and prejudice as a means to push legislation forward is wholly unacceptable. In the coming days we will be working with experts and other community organisations and will certainly be guiding the public on how to assist us in convincing the city that BSL is not an acceptable solution to address the issue of aggressive dogs.”

The Montreal SPCA recognizes that inappropriate canine aggression is a serious threat to public safety and must be addressed in order to ensure for safe communities in which humans and dogs co-exist and enrich each other’s lives.  The Montreal SPCA believes that the most effective way to tackle this issue is for humane societies, municipalities and experts in canine behavior and health to work together on multi-faceted strategies that target dangerous dogs of all breeds, with a strong emphasis on prevention.

The Montreal SPCA recognizes that inappropriate canine aggression is a serious threat to public safety and must be addressed in order to ensure for safe communities in which humans and dogs co-exist and enrich each other’s lives.  The Montreal SPCA believes that the most effective way to tackle this issue is for humane societies, municipalities and experts in canine behavior and health to work together on multi-faceted strategies that target dangerous dogs of all breeds, with a strong emphasis on prevention.

The Montreal SPCA, as a member of the Quebec Association of SPCAs and SPAs has already approached the provincial government to request that we be able to participate in the provincial committee that has been created to address the issue of dangerous dogs.

The Montreal SPCA is offering our services and guidance to the Province and to municipalities across Quebec in order to assist them in creating a strategy that targets dangerous dogs of all breeds, with a strong emphasis on prevention. These strategies must focus on the underlying factors that lead to canine aggression, owner responsibility, and remedial measures to deal with aggressive dogs based on their actual behavior.

We invite the public to continue following our social media page, and website, as we will soon offer additional tools via a website that address the issue of Dangerous Dogs. This site will ensure the public knows how they can take positive steps to address their municipal and provincial officials to address the issue of dangerous dogs.

Opdater #58 år siden
trying to spread my petition on new blogs and channels I truly want this ban never see light of day I never had pit-bull but many of my friends have and they are marvelous pets and companions we must stop this please continue to sign and share
Opdater #48 år siden
Summer is here what is betterthan a family picnic out with ypur family including your dog as of September tgis will no longer be possible for many families as they will be torn apart due to the attacks from 2 pitbull the mayor solution is an easy way out and quite frankly racism and even genocide unfair in more ways than one punish the deads not the breads
Opdater #38 år siden
, wow I can't believe I already have a thousand signatures we do need many many more but I do thank everyone for the sharing and the signatures that you have time please keep doing so if your family friends and social media every signature counts to save a life
Opdater #28 år siden
Alread 869 but we still need more thanks for all support and please keep sharing thanks
Opdater #18 år siden
To everyone that has signed thank you so much for your support I added a video to the link if you dont mind continuing to spread the petition and share as much as you can on social media schools jobs friends family every voice counts . Thank you for all your help
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