After 33 incredibly successful years and despite stellar listener ratings, the management of Toronto radio station Q107 recently made the mystifyingly cynical decision to cancel one of Toronto’s most universally beloved and critically acclaimed weekly radio programs, “Psychedelic Sunday”. A Sunday afternoon staple of literally thousands of loyal listeners throughout Ontario, the unique and groundbreaking classic rock program featured a refreshingly unconventional format that at once gave it an unmistakable flavour while ensuring that each broadcast had a distinctive identity and atmosphere unlike any of it’s predecessors due to the defiant and diversified approach of the legendary Andy Frost, the show’s host and programmer for the vast majority of it’s more than three decades on the air. To it’s enormous fan base over the years, Psychedelic Sunday provided the soundtrack and background music for countless home maintenance projects, weekend car washes, Sunday dinner preparations, backyard barbecues, family reunions, weekend gatherings, recreational pharmaceuticals enhancement and most importantly, a musical pipeline to memories of years past.

    We, the undersigned, demand that Psychedelic Sunday and it’s host Andy Frost be immediately returned to Q107’s weekend programming schedule or that both be made available to a competitor in the Toronto FM radio market.
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