Border wall construction inches closer and closer to QUITOBAQUITO the sacred springs on Hia-Ced O’ODHAM land! Less than 50 yards from the international border. The traffic of semi trucks and work trucks blazing down the road beside the springs have cracked through the clay that holds the water at the spring. The drilling of wells into the aquifers for water to mix their cement has drained QUITOBAQUITO. All of this is killing the sacred site and all that live there, including two endangered species, Quitobaquito Desert pupfish and the Sonyta Mud turtle.
All over these indigenous peoples land in Arizona they are sucking the water dry and you can see the desert hurting! you can see the desert is crying out! There isn’t a lot of water in this area and so when they are taking all of that from the ground they’re taking the last drop, that last resource, they’re taking their livelihood. they are taking their culture and they’re taking their existence. This is not OK and we need to stand up and stop it no matter what because the future of the entire indigenous people of this area And 2 species of wildlife are at stake because of this they cannot survive without water. they cannot survive if they continue to do what they are doing.
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