McDonalds, we want a McSoy burger + McMushroom burger on the menu.

  • af: leslie dean brown
  • mottagare: Andrew Gregory, CEO McDonalds Australia. Paul Pomroy, CEO McDonalds UK. Steve Easterbrook, CEO McDonalds.

INTRO: McDonalds caters mainly for meat-eaters.

PROBLEM: Vegetarians are growing in number around the world. Vegetarian meals are better for the environment (it's now a climate change emergency).
There are not any proper McDonalds vegetarian meals available at any of your restaurants.

SOLUTION: Please make a McSoy burger + McMushroom burger for vegetarian and vegan customers.

BENEFIT: More $ for you. A happier planet. Less annoyed customers.


Update #57 months ago
Hello, I have another important petition for you to sign "Taiwan does not belong to China! Demand that Qantas fixes its website!!"

Thanks, Leslie
Update #47 months ago
I have another important petition for you to sign "Release Navalny now! Stop persecuting and oppressing Navalny supporters."

Thanks, Leslie
Update #39 months ago
McDonalds is hopeless. But here, I have started a new petition and it's to do with animal cruelty on Youtube. Animals being killed and eaten onscreen while still live! Worse, the producers are actually getting paid to make these sick videos and it has to stop. It needs signatures. Sign and share!
Update #21 years ago
Hello! Every now and then, I start a new petition. And here's my latest one: "Sack Jolyon Maugham, a prominent Barrister/QC who murdered a fox with a baseball bat (and bragged about it on twitter)."
Please sign and share it (if you share it multiple times it always works better to go viral). Thanks,
Update #14 years ago
Hello! 248 signatures so far which is great!
BUT the petition has lost momentum in the last few days. I would like to ask a small favour: please share this again and again with your networks, if everyone shared this with just 7 other people, it would have 10x, 100x or even 1000x as many signatures on it! And then we may just get our veggie well-deserved McVeggie burgers! I realise not all vegans like maccas, but it's still "the right thing to do".
leslie dean brown

Dear McDonalds CEOs, upper management and share holders,

Please can you figure out how to make a McSoy burger + McMushroom burger and meal option available for vegetarians.

That's two completely separate, different menu items. One made of organic soy (no GMO thankyou). And another type made from mushrooms.

Not only could you cater for a larger market share, earn more profit, but you would be helping to lower greenhouse gas emisssions, and improve natural fish stocks.

I want to be able to order a vegetarian meal at a McDonalds restaurant... and not get a lettuce salad with a piece of tomato in it.


leslie dean brown

Opdater #53 år siden
Hello, I have another petition I would like you to sign. "Don't bulldoze 1000 trees for a Moruya highway bypass overdevelopment! Choose the shorter option D/E instead."
I would *really* appreciate it if you could all sign & share this new petition.
Kind regards,
leslie dean brown
Opdater #44 år siden
I have another important petition for you to sign "Release Navalny now! Stop persecuting and oppressing Navalny supporters."

Thanks, Leslie
Opdater #34 år siden
McDonalds is hopeless. But here, I have started a new petition and it's to do with animal cruelty on Youtube. Animals being killed and eaten onscreen while still live! Worse, the producers are actually getting paid to make these sick videos and it has to stop. It needs signatures. Sign and share!
Opdater #25 år siden
Hello! Every now and then, I start a new petition. And here's my latest one: "Sack Jolyon Maugham, a prominent Barrister/QC who murdered a fox with a baseball bat (and bragged about it on twitter)."
Please sign and share it (if you share it multiple times it always works better to go viral). Thanks,
Opdater #18 år siden
Hello! 248 signatures so far which is great!
BUT the petition has lost momentum in the last few days. I would like to ask a small favour: please share this again and again with your networks, if everyone shared this with just 7 other people, it would have 10x, 100x or even 1000x as many signatures on it! And then we may just get our veggie well-deserved McVeggie burgers! I realise not all vegans like maccas, but it's still "the right thing to do".
leslie dean brown
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