McDonald's: End the Use of Plastic Straws

  • af: Aaron V
  • mottagare: McDonald's: Steve Easterbrook, CEO & Francesca DeBiase, Sustainability Officer

The viral video is heartbreaking. Researchers in Costa Rica struggle to remove an obstruction from the nasal passage of a sea turtle. During the cringe-inducing effort, they realize they are battling a single-use, disposable straw.

These single-use conveniences are trashing the planet. There's not a beach around the globe that is free of this pollution. Our creeks, rivers, lakes and oceans are all fouled. Wildlife, such as the sea turtle, can confuse straws for food and cause themselves great harm.

A post-mortem just completed on a Cuvier's beaked whale that was found dead on a Scottish beach determined the animal was killed by plastic pollution.

The petroleum-based, polypropelene straw is an environmental nightmare, and it's time we WAKE UP. The United States alone uses over 500 million straws EVERY DAY. Stretched end to end, they could circle the globe 2 & 1/2 times.

Let's join together to end the use of plastic straws. Urge McDonald's, and its 14K U.S. locations, to stop using straws and start saving wildlife.

To see the sea turtle video, head here.

Opdater #16 år siden
Did you hear that McD's will end the use of plastic straws in the UK? Let's tweet at the corporation to do the same world-wide! Keep sharing the petition - ask your friends to fight plastic pollution and we can hit 200K signatures! - just hit the blue "share" button on the right side of the petition. If McDonalds can do it in the UK, they can do it everywhere!! Read about the decision here:
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