Expel Ted Cruz from the Senate!

  • af: OD Action
  • mottagare: Members of Congress

Of all the election-overturning, insurrection-spearheading Republicans to emerge in Trump's coup on January 6, 2021 Ted Cruz stands out.

Cruz championed Trump's campaign to dismiss the electoral college, spreading Trump's bogus claims of voter fraud and directly encouraging the MAGA mob.

But after the coup attempt left five dead, the Capitol Building in ruins, and their leader exposed for sedition, Cruz still pushed forward, voting to strike down the will of the people. Unacceptable, and illegal.

Add your name to demand the Senate remove Ted Cruz for engaging in insurrection.

And what was his motive? To earn the loyalty of Trump's crowd for his own ambitions of a 2024 presidential run, of course. 

He is dangerous to our democracy.

Sign here to demand the Senate invokes the 14th Amendment to expel Cruz from office for contributing to Trump's coup.

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