If you are on this website you have probably heard of the garbage island floating out in the middle of the pacific ocean, while it may not be all plastic but a large majority of that is. This is do to the facts that humans throw out large quantities of plastic out into the ocean which doesnt decompose for 450 years. As a reader you must be thinking to yourself how "There has to be a better solution to all this rather than letting it sit." You are correct if Plastic making companies and plastic purchasers made and bought hemp plastic we could get rid of that giant heap of garbage and make the ocean look good in that area and every area it passes by! We are talking to you big soda and water companies (Coke and Pepsi)!
We need to make plastic from hemp it is biodegradble after 80 days. Regular plastic takes 450 years. Over 2000 times as long. America used 50 billion plastic water bottles laat year however we only recycled about 22 billion which leads the others to be unable to decompose for a very long time creating waste in oceans and other places. As Americans I believe we need to petition against big manufacturers and users of plastic to get them to switch over to hemp plastic which is much safer for the enviroment. Hemp plastic does not harm animals nearly as much as regular plastic word it can kill animals.
Hemp plastic can solve multiple things such as The killing of animals, and it is much cheaper 1 ton of hemp for hemp plastic is 75$ per ton while regular recycled plastic can be 298$ a ton. The amount of plastic that has washed ashore since 2010 is 10 million to 25 million tons. This is only the plastic that washes ashore not even the plastic that is still out in the ocean. It is estimated that 25% of wasted plastic goes into the ocean. This waste also can kill animals roughly 100,000 animals die a year after swallowing or becoming entangled in the plastic. This number would be reduced if the plastic decomposed much faster. We can do this with Hemp Plastic. We need not only hemp plastic but your help! Coke and Pepsi will never change there ways without our help.
"How Big Is the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch"? Science vs. Myth | Response.restoration.noaa.gov." How Big Is the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch"? Science vs. Myth | Response.restoration.noaa.gov. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2016.
"Welcome to Hemp Plastic." Welcome to Hemp Plastic. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2016.
"The Problems with Plastic | Wellness Mama." Wellness Mama. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2016.
Say 'NO' to Plastic Bags!" Say NO to Plastic Bags! // Animals Australia. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2016.