Demand an end to the Coyote Massacre!

  • af: Lauren Lockey
  • mottagare: Governor Herbert and the Utah State Legislature

The Utah legislature has enacted a "Predator Control Incentive Program" that pays hunters $50.00 per coyote carcass submitted. The main reason this law was enacted was to increase the mule deer population which is the preferred game of bow and rifle hunters. This bill is ill conceived and very ineffective for increasing the deer population. Please tell Governor Herbert and the Utah state Legislature to stop this senseless massacre that not only furthers the deterioration of our ecosystem but is also flawed on every level.

To: Governor Herbert and the Utah State Legislature

Opposition to SB 245 S1 - the "Mule Deer Protection Act"

We, the undersigned, demand the repeal of SB 245 S1 - the "Mule Deer Protection Act". This bill that pays hunters a $50 bounty for every coyote carcass turned into the DWR is fundamentally ineffective, will cause more imbalances in the ecosystem, and is ethically challenged on many levels.

The published intent of this bill is to increase the mule deer population by killing coyotes that prey on their young. The not so secret reason for this is that mule deer are a preferred game animal of hunters and with more mule deer roaming our lands, there will be more to hunt. However, sound research on this matter reveals that coyotes preying on mule deer are a minor reason as to why mule deer populations are down. Habitat loss, harsh winters and disease are the main reasons of low populations, not to mention hunting mule deer tends to also decrease mule deer populations. This bill is misguided and intentionally deceitful. Please repeal this bill immediately and let sound science and research guide wildlife decisions, not special interests.


The undersigned

Opdater #410 år siden
It's the largest hunter based effort to manage predatory wildlife in the nation and it's guaranteed to fail! Copy and paste to open article:

Please read article, share petition, and call/write the UT state leg. about this issue. Over 7000 coyotes were killed by hunters in 2014! This must be stopped and it can only happen by letting the government know how wrong and flawed this bill is!
Opdater #310 år siden
Please click or copy link below and send a short message to Gov. Herbert asking him to please veto S.B. 245 and a short description as to why. It only takes a few minutes but it means the world to Coyotes and their families. Thank you for your support and forward this important message to others!
Opdater #210 år siden
We have reached over 1300 signatures! A letter has been sent to Gov. Herbert asking him to veto Senate Bill 245. Lets continue to reach our goal of 2000+ signatures.
Take a stand for Coyotes and say "no" to this unnecessary and ineffective bill now! Click or copy link below and fill out form! Please continue to share petition through email and face book!
Opdater #110 år siden
Thank you for your support on this important issue! We have reached 600 signatures so far! Please sign and share this petition via email and facebook so we can continue to grow that number and reach our goal. Be a voice for coyotes and let Governor Herbert know you care about them and our ecosystem!
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