• af: alexandra p
  • mottagare: i need those dogs removed because i am fearful for my children's and pets safety, i want the owners to be punished for raising aggressive dogs.

we've had an issue with my neighbors dogs for almost a year now. they've gotten completely loose into our back yard and have tried to attack us, our pets, and our CHILDREN. we always contact THEM instead of animal control services because we are ANIMAL LOVERS and just didn't have the heart to send two of those dogs off to their euthinization. i regret having that heart now.. my dog was ripped through the fence into their yard yesterday and mauled. our neighbors didn't care. we were bawling and panicking and they just continued with their day, got pizza and had a fire, NOT ONCE did they even ask if our dog was ok.


we called animal control, we called the police, since no HUMAN was attack they're doing basically nothing. they issued them citations because THEYRE AGGRESSIVE DOGS HAVENT EVEN HAD RABBIES VACCINES! the way the world is set up, animals have ZERO rights. the law doesn't see animals as beings they see them as property.

i'm creating this petition right now just simply to try to get those dogs away from here. they've still be snarling at us and our toddlers. we are fearful of even walking into our backyard. and the law is really not doing anything to help us. PLEASE sign and SHARE.

if you would like to read the full in detail story or help in anyway i will include the link to our gofundme.

*UPDATE* Little Bear is out of surgery but must be kept in the ICU at the animal hospital for at least 48 more hours, the doctors think proabably longer. and then for the next month he will have to go back in to the hospital every 2-3 days to have his drainage tubes checked and his bandages changed. all of the muscles in his neck an shoulders were completely severed. ripped to shreds. the doctors literally had to stitch all of his muscles back together and back to the skin. he now has to be kept in compression wraps 24/7 for 3-6 weeks to try and correct the air pockets between the skin and muscles. if the air pockets don't correct themselves the muscles will die and rot; we will have to put him to sleep. he drank some water after surgery so we are SO hopeful. thank you to everyone who has prayed, or shared, signed, donated or even just read our story. just every ounce of care and support we recieve is so appriciated. please keep sharing this story, thank you.


i am desperately trying to find any animal activist group, animal rehibilitaion places, any organization with enough voice/influence who can help me save their dogs too. their dogs have caused my family an unbelievable amount of stress and sadness but my heart still just doesnt want another animal to be punished because of the selfishness of a human. but those dogs CANNOT stay here. they are literally putting our family and the other families in my neighbood at risk. we are not safe. those dogs are still trying to get at us and our other nighbors. their owners have specifically raised and mistreated those dogs in attempts to make them more vicious. they were brought here after a break-in purely for the purpose of intimidating people. their owners have caused those dogs to be aggressive and havent cared not one bit that their aggression is threatening the safety of others. disgusting humans like that do not deserve pets. i wish someone with enough voice/influence could take all of their animals away to sanctuaries for aggressive animals. they treat those dogs like an appliance. when their other pit got into the neighbors yard on the other side, animal control took him away. the neighbors didnt feel like paying to get him out SO THEY JUST LET HIM GET EUTHANIZED. about two weeks later, JUST GOT ANOTHER PIT. as i stated, they originally got those dogs after a break-in souly to intimidate people. they have only ever USED these animals to promote fear in others. i have not once seen ANYONE go into that yard with them, i have never seen them be pet, i have never heard anything but them snarling at each other, no "good dogs" or gentle praises. i have witnessed these dogs receive ZERO love the entire time they've been in that backyard. they never go inside. they just stay in that backyard fighting each other and trying to get at anyone or anything on my property and also anyone or anything on their other neighbors property. last winter WE gave our neighbors two huge dog igloos because WE FELT SAD FOR THOSE DOGS, left out there freezing, not even given a blanket. those dogs have been ripping our fence apart for months, they have gotten completely free into our backyard, they have been a constant problem every single day since they got here, but we always call THE NEIGHBOR instead of ANIMAL SERVICES because we DIDNT WANT THOSE DOGS TO DIE LIKE THEY LET THEIR OTHER DOG DIE. WE CARE ABOUT DOGS. but since we didn't contact the law, the police are pretty much looking at us like we're dumb. telling us "well you should've reported before". I am so sorry this update got so long. and if you're receiving notifications on your email about our case I'm sorry this will spam you, but thank you for keep up with our updates. the reason I've said all this is because I'm begging all of you to share this story with ANY animal activist group, sanctuary, rehabilitation place, ANY organization that can maybe get this story to someone who can help everyone involved. i think we can all agree, the ones who truly deserve punishment is THE OWNERS.

Opdater #26 år siden
LITTLE BEAR ATE!! it was just a few teeny nibbles of wet food but we are holding out hope. the fact his throat was completely ripped open and he's already making efforts to eat is a good sign y'all! thank you again to everyone signing, sharing, and praying for us. please just keep us in your prayers. we want our baby to return home to his family, and i want to make sure nothing like this happens EVER again.
Opdater #16 år siden
Little Bear is out of surgery. all of the muscles in his neck an shoulders were completely severed. ripped to shreds. the doctors literally had to stitch all of his muscles back together and back to the skin. he now has to be kept in compression wraps 24/7 for 3-6 weeks to try and correct the air pockets between the skin and muscles. if the air pockets don't correct themselves the muscles will die and rot; we will have to put him to sleep. he drank some water after surgery so we are SO hopeful.
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