Congress: Keep Western Wolves Protected
Since gray wolves lost federal protection in the Northern Rockies thousands have been ruthlessly killed. Now more anti-wolf legislation that could strip what's left of federal protection for western wolves threatens to put even more in danger.
Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) just introduced a bill that will strip what's left of federal protection from wolves in Washington, Oregon and Utah and turn management over to the states. It will also bar them from implementing any protection stronger than what they have now under the Endangered Species Act, even if they wanted to.
We've already seen the horrendous damage done by states that have regained control over wolf management. Now is not the time to further jeopardize the future of these iconic predators who are only beginning to regain a foothold in their historic ranges.
Please sign this petition urging your rep to oppose anti-wolf legislation that will threaten the recovery of these iconic predators.
As someone who is concerned with wildlife and the fate of America's iconic gray wolves, I am writing to urge you to oppose legislation that will strip western wolves of federal protection.
A bill which was recently introduced by Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) will remove what's left of federal protection from wolves in Washington, Oregon and Utah and turn management over to the states. It will also bar them from implementing any protection stronger than what they have now under the Endangered Species Act, even if they wanted to.
Since gaining protection under the Endangered Species Act, wolves have rebounded in many areas, but they are still far from recovered and continue to be persecuted by special interest groups in states that have made it clear wolves are not welcome on the landscape.
We've already seen the damage done by states that have regained control over wolf management in the Northern Rockies as thousands have been ruthlessly killed. Now is not the time to further jeopardize the future of these iconic predators who are only beginning to regain a foothold in their historic ranges.
I sincerely hope you will stand by Americans who want to see our native wildlife thrive and ensure the balance of our ecosystems remains in tact by opposing this senseless legislation targeting wolf recovery.
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