SAVE the Grey Seal Is the biggest seal in the Baltic sea but not for long: The polluters kill it! Ac

The biggest threat are the polluters..THAT MEANS: Many Liners are letting their bilgewater in the Baltic Sea. The Finnish Border Guard fly there every day to get caught the liners which do that and they have to pay sanctions for that. But when they do it at night they cannot see it. The territorial waters on the most dangerous area are Finland, Estonia and a little part of Russia's.

The Grey Seal is suffering and strugeling with this issue.

The grey seal is the biggest seal in Baltic Sea and the big males may have even 300 kg weight.

The grey Seal is breeding on the area between pac-ice and open water.

Because of the climate change when there is no Ice at all the Grey seal is breeding on land but the surviving of the seal pup is not good, but there is one chance more the outer insular islets in groups; then the surviving is better. The Seal Pup is white and helpless and with the mami's 60% milk it get more weight 2 kg's in a day.

The becaming thick lipid is good for the seal pups in cold waether. The mami is breastfeeding only three weeks.

Put the liner pay for the polluting!

Copyright Leiah Sariell

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