End Daylight Savings Time in Indianapolis / Indiana

In 2007 Governor Mitch Daniels passed Daylight Savings Time to promote commerce in Indiana. Daylight Savings Time may have had its benefits in 2007, but with technology and communication in today's business climate, there is no reason to continue to disrupt citizens of this city and state with sunset at 10:00 p.m. and children standing at bus stops in the dark.
Many scientists believe that Daylight Savings Time disrupts our Circadian rhythms that regulate many important biological processes, such as hormone production and sleep patterns, and is largely controlled by external cues in the environment – mainly light. Since light is normally a key regulator of our biological clock, the change will shift the phase of our rhythm away from that of the central pacemaker, which can causes sleep disturbances, metabolic changes, mood and daily bodily functions - all associated with productivity.
It's time for Indianapolis / Indiana to have a normal daylight structure that is conducive to the human living experience and not driven by "commerce" and return to Standard Time.
This petition will be submitted to the Indiana legislature. You must be 21 years of age and a citizen of Indiana to sign this petition. The goal is to reach 250,000 citizens affected by Daylight Savings Time in Indiana.

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