JUSTICE for Shepp a dog slowly starved to death

  • af: Annmarra
  • mottagare: Nueces County District Attorney.Honorable Judges

Daniel and Norma Luna court date

Their docket call is 3/5/09 at 2PM.  Their jury trial is scheduled for
3/9/09 at 9AM.

I will be present  .

To the Honorable Judges.   Officers of the court..
 We  come before you all speak as one voice  ,And ask for Justice for Shepp the Dog that was starved  to death .Remember   this was done intentionally and with out regard for the pain and suffering of a creature that relies upon the kindness of man ,Take into  consideration that Shepp was left out there chained ,without shelter when the city was preparing for Hurricane Ike ,It was clear that someone was there to board up the windows to prepare thier property in anticipation for this storm .With gross disreagrd for the suffering of this creature known as Shepp.Until the law holds those responsible .We fail to uphold the rights and dignity as humans for those who cannot speak .We ask and watch for justice to prevail .That Shepps death will be not forgotten ,

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
Mohandas Gandhi

This petition is ,.To have those  that are responsible for the severe neglect and cruel indifference,be held
This will be closed once the Lunas go to court where this petition will be presented to the District Attorney.Honorable Judges...
  We pray ,Justice will prevail, that cruelty will not be tolerated nor accepted ,

Complete news coverage of Shepp.
Warning Disturbing ,Graphic video
http://www.kztv10.com/Special Projects/305.htm

Shepp was a  dog that was left for well over a month to die ,No food No water and chained to the extent that the collar was embedded in his skin. .No one cared. While a whole neighborhood stood by and saw his  suffering ,No one did anything!!Until it was too late, Someone  had placed food by him, but by then  he was too weak to even get up. ( KZTV)Action 10 News..  A News station that stands up for people and animals alike
First responded to a call pertaining  To a dog near death , .Shep was taken to Corpus Christi Animal Care .(Sept 16 2008)  To where he was cared for by the vets and staff there ,  I know for a fact  .For i was able to see him from behind the glass Friday afternoon  The  .Vets and staff that were  there with him treated him with such compassion  and care .Shepp passed away later that afternoon ( Sept 19.2008). Which was devastating
 to the Vet and staff at Animal Care Services.

His will to live was there,He wagged his tail and even tried to lift his head. However his body couldn't take it ,Due to the extreme neglect he endured for a month .He left this life ,

what is needed is signatures on a petition started out for justice ,

In these cases of cruelty it is often difficult to catch and charge     .For one month.Shepp  had no food .little or no water , The indifference  that the neighbors displayed by allowing this to go one for a whole month They are as guilty as the two that left Shepp .  To suffer in such pain ,Not even giving Shepp any water or food.They looked on and did nothing,
There are many others  that are in dire need of help
It is appalling how far this went on .And it  usually never gets  prosecuted
Our VOICE ,can make all the difference .
Please take a moment ,As hard as it is please   view  the video .It tears  me apart. But  bear witness , We shall speak  out for those that cannot..

Thank you my dear friends And please REPOST  ( SHEPPS  )story  far and wide..That justice may prevail ,And to those who stood by and did nothing They   must be held accountable as well.
For the guilt lies heavy upon them.
Updated 2/24/09 There is no date for the trial as of yet .I will be closing this petition as soon as i find out the trial date .I have kept this petition open so Shepp death is not forgotten and that the law forgets him ,,I will present this to the DA so that they may see that the world has spoken .When we become silent they all forget  these creatures as yesterdays news ,I beg you do not let this happen .May you all remain blessed for being the light and voice for Shepp and countless others ,Thank you Annmarra
Bless you Shepp  .
I am at a loss to express the sorrow and anger i feel .
I only wonder why and how can people turn their heads and say its only an animal,,
thank you Maria  Daines ,  Tamira Ci Thayne,
Of DDB.And to the world who have raised their voices .
Through your signatures  Shepps voice will be heard .Maria Daines has composed and dedicated this song to Shepp to raise awareness and be his voice ( more information )



Nueces County district attorney
Carlos Valdez
901 Leopard, Rm 206
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

Phone: (361) 888-0410
Fax: (361) 888-0700
Email: District Attorney

City council
Mike Hummell

City Phone - (361) 698-3142

Nelda Martinez

City Council Offices
Main Line - (361) 826-3105
1201 Leopard St., 78401
Fax Line - (361) 883-1403


To the Honorable Judges.   Officers of the court..
We come to this day ,The world  to be the voice for those who cannot speak .In this we today come before you all speak as one voice  ,And ask for Justice for Shepp the Dog that was starved  to death .Remember   this was done intentionally and with out regard for the pain and suffering of a creature that relies upon the kindness of man ,Take into  consideration that Shepp was left out there chained ,without shelter when the city was preparing for Hurricane Ike ,It was apprant and clear that someone was there to board up the windows to prepare thier property in anticipation for this storm .With gross disreagrd for the suffering of this creature known as Shepp.Until the law holds those responsible .We fail to uphold the rights and dignaty as humans for those who cannot speak .We ask and watch for justice to prevail .That Shepps death will be not forgotten ,

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
Mohandas Gandhi
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