Replace Trees Destroyed for Highway Construction/Keep Escape Routes Open

  • af: D. Thompson
  • mottagare: State of Nebraska Dept. of Roads Project Manager Rich Zelensky and Mayor of Blair NE

 This petition is 2 fold. Urge the State of Nebraska to replace trees along Highway 133 that were plowed down to widen the Highway, and finish one section of road before tearing up another resulting in closing off county roads prematurely and avoid dangerous cross-overs and curves with no shoulder.

1. The State of Nebraska has turned hundreds of healthy trees into wood chips along Highway 133 between Omaha and Blair to widen the Highway. The huge trees were a much needed windbreak for motorists during winter storms, and protection for wildlife. We need those trees replaced to balance the ecosystem.

When each section of the Highway is finished we urge you to plant the same amount of trees that were destroyed.

Part 2: Finish each section of Highway 133 between Omaha and Blair, NE with shoulders and turn lanes before tearing up other random sections, and closing County Roads completely that residents need to travel to get to work.

County Road 37 by the Blair Airport has been closed all week, and I was told it will be closed forever. This will impact several residents in the immediate area, and a lot more that live in Fort Calhoun and work in Omaha.

County Road 37 needs to remain open after the cross section of the Highway is finished. Residents need more than one escape route in case of a natural disaster or the Fort Calhoun Nuclear plant has problems again, and traffic is backed up at the only escape route which will be 2+ miles in the opposite direction of Omaha. They would be doomed.

When the Highway is finished, residents should not have to drive miles out of their way, and then backtrack wasting time and gas while a perfectly good road could be reopened.

The random unfinished sections of road are dangerous, crossing from the old to the new road and then back again. There is not enough warning time to slow down to 45 miles per hour. Warning signs with flashing lights need to be placed at least 1 mile before each cross-over.

We need your help! Urge the State of NE and Washington County to investigate the patchwork construction job on Highway 133, and replace the trees that were removed.

Request 1. We urge the State of Nebraska to replace trees along Highway 133 that were plowed down to widen the Highway between Omaha and Blair, and finish one section of road before tearing up another resulting in closing off county roads prematurely and avoid dangerous cross-overs and curves.

The huge trees were a much needed windbreak for motorists during winter storms, and protection for wildlife. We need those trees replaced to balance the ecosystem.

When each section of the Highway is finished we urge you to plant the same amount of trees that were destroyed.

Request 2: Finish each section of Highway 133 between Omaha and Blair, NE with shoulders and turn lanes before tearing up other random sections, and closing  County Roads completely that residents need to travel to get to work.

County Road 37 by the Blair Airport has been closed all week, and I was told it will be closed forever. This will impact several residents in the immediate area, and a lot more that live in Fort Calhoun and work in Omaha.

County Road 37 needs to remain open after the cross section of the Highway is finished. Residents need more than one escape route in case of a natural disaster or the Fort Calhoun Nuclear plant has problems again, and traffic is backed up at the only escape route which will be 2+ miles in the opposite direction of Omaha by Lakeland. They would be doomed.

When the Highway is finished, residents should not have to drive miles out of their way, and then backtrack wasting time and gas while a perfectly good road could be reopened.

The random unfinished sections of road are dangerous, crossing from the old to the new road and then back again. There is not enough warning time to slow down to 45 miles per hour. Warning signs with flashing lights need to be placed at least 1 mile before each cross-over.

Please investigate the patchwork construction job on Highway 133, open County Road 37 as soon as possible, and replace the trees that were removed.

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